Insights 3 ways optimization can improve your capital improvement planning
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3 ways optimization can improve your capital improvement planning

Are you looking for ways to improve your capital improvement planning (CIP) process? Perhaps you’re spending more time than you would like decoding spreadsheets and prioritizing which projects you should do first. Or maybe, you’re figuring out how to spend your available budget within a certain time and ensure that this plan maximizes your ROI.

As you can tell, navigating through these tasks isn’t easy, and without the help of experienced data analysts, making the correct decision could take months.

By using a CIP solution that leverages optimization to ensure you reach your goals, you could have a plan ready to be shared with stakeholders in just a few hours.

Here are 3 ways optimization can help you with your CIP:

  • 1. Flexibility
    When unexpected changes occur and you have to reprioritize or make amends to certain objectives, optimization empowers you with the flexibility to make updates on the go and generate new smart plans in minutes.
    Everyday challenges:
    • - Budget available changes
    • - Number of allocated staff on a project is reduced
    • - Deadline changes
  • 2. Machine learning
    Once you’ve entered key business information on the platform, i.e. objectives and priority projects that may affect those objectives, the platform will use machine learning technology to work intuitively to build optimal plans based on accurate data that will help you and your team reach your goals.
    Everyday challenges:
    • - Business decisions based on intuition and bias
    • - Inaccurate data sets
    • - Changing priorities
  • 3. Scenario building
    This feature will allow you to use the platform to see into the feature and preview the outcome of certain decisions before you make them. Through this capability you can set up endless scenarios and then make informed decisions on which plan fits more with your objectives.
    Everyday challenges:
    • - Inability to compare and contrast plans
    • - Create robust reports to back up your decisions
    • - Collaborate on plans with team members

Our software solution, the Universal Visual Optimizer (UVO), was built to help asset-intensive organizations transform their data sets into actionable insights they can trust. Speak to one of our experts today to discuss how you can boost your organization’s CIP operations with UVO. Contact us today.


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